Because I have to get my fitness on too, this weeks blog is about my new workout that I am personally using to get in shape for the summer!  You don’t need any equipment for this functional movement workout– YOU are the machine! It’s for girls and boys—so NO excuses not to do it!

As with all exercise programs, you should consult a doctor before commencing to follow any or all of the exercises, poses, and stretches presented in this workout.  My general advice to is to always listen to your body, approach the movements with caution and awareness, do only what you can, and do what feels good.  Do not exercise when you are feeling unwell.  The stronger, more stable, and flexible you become, the more you will be able to do- remember, everything takes time and practice.  Additionally, nothing beats having a professional trainer watch over you especially when beginning an exercise program.


*See here how to warm-up with a foam roller before you begin.

*Do this workout before your run or cardio regiment and get the most efficient calorie burn for your cardio!

*Plan to do this workout routine 3-5x a week

*1-5 sets (build up to it) 10-15reps (your last 3 should be a challenge)

*Rest for less than 45 seconds in-between each exercise and 1-2 minutes between each set

*You can do 1 set in the morning and 1 set in the evening

Let’s get hott in hrrrrr!

 1. March in place raising opposite arm and leg

2. Forward step and reach for toes, ankles, or knees

3. Side lunge and diagonal reach

4. Squat and twist

5. Single leg side to  side touch down

6. Sumo squat reach and back bend

7. Inchworm down, push up, back & jump

8. Side plank and dip

9. Dancing crab

10. Downward dog and upward dog

Let’s do it together! Watch me now =)

Watch over 50 free videos at my Youtube Channel InspireHappy!

Comments are cool!  Kindly, leave them below!  Thank you!

About Jeanne Floresca - EFT & Matrix Reimprinting Practitioner

Jeanne Floresca is a Certified Matrix Reimprinting & EFT Practitioner and helps people find health, happiness, and love through self-healing. She also loves to write about ageless living, natural beauty, and mindful wellness. Find her at or

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